How do I return my purchase for a refund?


To request a return, please fill out our Request Return Form. One of our customer service reps will follow up with you via email with instructions and return forms as well as an optional shipping label (shipping label available for US and Canadian customers only) for a nominal charge (the cost of the label will be deducted from your refund). If you require assistance, please email us at

Upon receipt of your return, all items are inspected for signs of wear or damage prior to issuance of any refunds, replacements or credits. New and unworn condition means that there are no scratches, marks, or blemishes on the items. Additionally, items modified or re-sized by another jeweler are also not considered new. Upon acceptance of your return, a refund will be issued to the original form of payment. Any promotional gifts must also be returned with your returned item.

Please note as per our policy our customers are responsible for shipping. Kindly follow the instructions on the RMA that will be sent to you. Please note that once we receive the order back we will process it and you will be issued a refund or, less any fees associated with shipping upgrades, customized ring boxes, and gift wrappings.

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